Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fighting the Sunday Blahs

I'm feeling rather blah today...probably a combination of the weather, too much to do (and so cannot decide on what it is I actually I want to work on), and PPD. I started to follow a tutuorial on a blog I found for turning a T-shirt into a shrug, but I got bored, so I stopped to eat lunch...and never made it back to the sewing machine. Instead, I decided to work on playing with Gimp with photos of my here you are!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Work In Progress

Well, I'm in the process of doing some crafty projects - I found a neat decoupage idea to make for LO's room, a shrug out of a T-shirt, and maybe up-cycling another old shirt, on top of some other ideas. I'm also thinking about making LO a pinafor for the 4th of July providing I can find some cute red, white, and blue fabric. Hopefully I'll be able to post some of these later this week.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Card Making

I love making cards for my friends and family. I make them for birthdays, for babies, weddings, pretty much everything. Which kind of makes sense because I LOVE cards so much in general. Hallmark is one of my favorite stores! Unfortunately, I don't always make them - either I've run out of supplies, or I'm not feeling creative, etc. Anyway, my Grampa's birthday was last week, and we went over there to celebrate (he turned 77!). Here's a pic of the card I made from myself and DH:


And here is the front of the card that A "made" for her Grampa-pa:

Pretty simple, but I thought they came out pretty cute! I did both of these with my Cricut Personal Expression (I think that's the full name) - I love that machine! Definitely one of my favorite things to use for card-making and scrapping. I'll be posting a few more in the coming weeks for my boss' birthday and of course Father's Day.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Organized Chaos

I originally started this blog over a year ago. I needed/wanted an outlet for my need to be creative/crafty, what-have-you. And then I let life take-over, and I never used this space as I originally intended.So, this is it, my chaos re-starting. Why the name 'Organized Chaos'? Because that is what I am, to be honest. I've always had clutter, or a mess as my mom would say. But I could always find what I'm looking for in the chaos of stacks of paperwork, junkmail, etc. And with my now three and a half month old daughter, life is even more chaotic. So sit back, and enjoy the ride.